I make music to run my startup

Kiran Menon
3 min readApr 12, 2021
My Home Music Studio

As a co-founder at Tydy, I am responsible for fundraising, investor relations, sales & marketing apart from everything else a CEO is anyway expected to do in a startup.

And, who ever said running a startup was glamorous and easy — has never started up. It’s a painful experience. Sleepless nights, panic attacks, facing umpteen rejections, the need to sell more — faced more than my fair share of it.

But, today — I am not writing about those challenges. I am writing to talk about how I deal with it — what helps me destress. Music.

My Native Instruments KK SL 49 MK2

Music is my therapy

It is the way I get to express myself without having to talk to someone 😇 When I am frustrated my compositions reflect it. When I am happy and things look great I make music that is happy — think Major chords 😎

Music is my creative outlet

I love design. In fact, Gaurabh (my co-founder) and I have always been very design conscious. And during the very early days I used to obsess about design of every deck and document I created. However, I do not have that time now.

And so, music has become my creative outlet. As the company grows — my creative self gets less of an opportunity to show itself. And with the need for more uniformed branding and collateral — there is not much space left to experiment.

However, this is where music steps in for me. A place to exercise that right-brain of mine and create without any boundaries or expectations.

Behringer Crave Monophonic Beast

Music is my time alone

Being a parent and running a startup — Phew! 😓 And so the premium for alone time is very high. Music is my designated alone time. A time for me to refresh and even ignore the rest of the world. I feel every entrepreneur needs their alone time. In fact, why stop at entrepreneurs — I believe every one needs their alone time. For me, music helps revitalize me and takes my mind of the 100 other things. Even if just for an hour.

Music is my entertainment

And everyone loves entertainment. In fact, I love performing too. I used to DJ in my younger days 🧓🏻 and I still love the idea of performing. For me music is that outlet to perform and entertain — not just me — but others too.

In Summary

As an entrepreneur it becomes doubly important to be able to deal with the pressures that are thrust upon you. I know this pertains to all individuals — but I do believe that entrepreneurs who are on their startup and growth journeys — have an added layer of stress and mental fatigue. And it is important and critical to find an outlet. To find something that helps you deal with it all.

It’s the need of the hour and if you feel you want some one to talk to — feel free to reach out any time.

And don’t forget to listen to my music — as The Bangalore Sound Project.



Kiran Menon

Co-founder at www.tydy.co — Making work a better place. And father to a loving daughter and son.